女大不中留的弦外之音-〈有朝一日〉(Someday soon)

There's a young man that I know, 我認識了一個年輕人,

his age is twenty-one年方二十一

Comes from down in southern Colorado來自南科羅拉多

Just out of the service, 剛從軍中退役

and he's looking for his fun他正在找樂子

Someday soon, 有朝一日

going with him someday soon隨他而去有朝一日


My parents can not stand him我的父母無法忍受他

'cause he rides the rodeo因為他是個競技牛仔

My father says that he我的父親說他

will leave me crying會離我而去讓我哭泣

But I would follow him right down但我將緊緊跟隨著他

the toughest road I know前路艱辛我了然於心

Someday soon, 有朝一日

going with him someday soon隨他而去有朝一日


And when he comes to call, 但當他找上門時,

my pa ain't got a good word to say我爸爸沒說一句好話

Guess it's 'cause he's just as wild我猜想那是因為他年輕時

in the younger days也曾和他一樣地狂野


So blow, you old blue northern,向北方吹奏著你的老藍調

blow my love to me將吾愛吹送過來

He's driving in tonight from California他今晚將從加州驅車過來

He loves his damned old rodeo他熱愛他那天殺的牛仔競技

as much as he loves me如同他愛戀著我

Someday soon, 有朝一日

going with him someday soon隨他而去有朝一日


When he comes to call, 但是當他找上門時,

my pa ain't got a good word to say我爸爸沒說一句好話

Guess it's 'cause he's just as wild我猜想那是因為他年輕時

in the younger days也曾和他一樣地狂野


So blow, you old blue northern,向北方吹奏著你的老藍調

blow my love to me將吾愛吹送過來

He's driving in tonight from California他今晚將從加州驅車過來

He loves his damned old rodeo他熱愛他那天殺的牛仔競技

as much as he loves me如同他愛戀著我

Someday soon, 有朝一日,

going with him someday soon隨他而去有朝一日

Someday soon, going with him有朝一日隨他而去

Someday soon有朝一日


1969年的茱蒂柯琳絲(Judy Collins)空靈美麗如天使下凡,絕美的歌喉演唱這首〈有朝一日〉(Someday soon)堪稱經典。此歌係由加拿大鄉村歌手伊安泰森(Ian Tyson)詞曲,他以女性的觀點描述女孩戀上競技牛仔,而父母卻擔心狂野的牛仔終會拋棄愛女,因此反對兩人交往。而女孩卻一往情深、念茲在茲有朝一日能隨他而去。伊安泰森在二十歲前曾在牛仔競技場(rodeo)當騎師,後來因為摔傷而必須療養,在復健過程中,為了打發時間才學吉他開始玩音樂,1959年他結識女歌手席薇亞傅瑞克(Sylvia Fricker),後來就以伊安與席薇亞(Ian & Sylvia)為名組成二重唱,1961年伊安泰森寫了四道強風(Four strong winds)這首名曲,後來又以當年在牛仔競技場(rodeo)當騎師遭人瞧不起為題材寫了這首〈有朝一日〉(Someday soon),收錄在1964年發行的《北方之旅》(Northern Journey) 專輯。表面上此歌在描繪女大不中留的故事,但其弦外之音則直指社會變遷中牛仔的地位卑微,從昔日的西部英雄豪傑到現今成為被人瞧不起的噗攏共(floater)。曲末再以男孩對牛仔競技表演的熱衷,象徵兩人堅定的愛情。請聽伊安與席薇亞的原唱。

鄉村歌手莫班迪(Moe Bandy)、鄉村爵士女伶蘇西波格絲(Suzy Bogguss)、坦雅塔克(Tanya Tucker)以及鄉村歌王強尼凱許(Johnny Cash)均曾翻唱此歌,表現各有千秋,其中莫班迪及強尼凱許的版本則巧妙的變動少數歌詞改以男性觀點主述。最後請欣賞伊安與席薇亞和茱蒂柯琳絲於1986年在加拿大國營電視台(CBC Television)合唱此曲的珍貴畫面。


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