墳前玫瑰的嘆息-〈遍地玫瑰〉(There were roses)
My song for you this evening 今夜為你唱的歌
Is not to make you sad 不是要使你悲傷
Nor for adding to the sorrows 也不是要增添憂愁
Of this troubled northern land在這片紛擾的北地
But lately I’ve been thinking 但最近我一直思索
And it just won’t leave my mind 反覆盤桓在我腦海
I’ll tell you about two friends one time 我將提到兩位朋友
Who were both good friends of mine 他們都是我的摯友
Isaac he was Protestant 伊薩卡是位清教徒
And Sean was Catholic born 西恩則是天主教徒
But it never made a difference 但這從來無關緊要
For the friendship it was strong 因為友誼堅固深厚
And sometimes in the evening 有時候在深深夜裡
When they heard the sound of drums 當他們聽到鼓聲時
They said won’t divide us 他們說我們分不開
We will always be as one 我們將永遠在一起
There were roses, roses 遍地的玫瑰啊,玫瑰
There were roses 遍地的玫瑰
And the tears of a people ran together 眾人眼淚奔流而下
It was on a Sunday morning 在一個週日的上午
When the awful news came round 當噩耗紛紛的傳開
Another killing had been done 又是一場殺戮完畢
Just outside Newry Town 就在那新城的外面
We knew that Isaac danced up there伊薩卡就在那跳舞
We knew he liked the band 我們知道他愛樂隊
But when we heard that he was dead 可是當得知他死了
We just could not understand 這簡直是難以置信
Now fear it filled the countryside 如今恐懼籠罩鄉野
There was fear in every home 恐懼縈繞每戶人家
When late at night a car came 深夜來了一輛汽車
Prowling round the Ryan Road 在萊恩路來回徘徊
A Catholic would be killed tonight 一名天主教徒今晚將被殺害
To even up the score 僅僅為了報復
Oh Christ, it’s young MacDonald 噢,神啊,這是年輕的麥當勞
They have taken from the door 他們從門前抓走了他
There were roses, roses 遍地的玫瑰啊,玫瑰
There were roses 遍地的玫瑰
And the tears of a people ran together眾人眼淚奔流而下
Isaac was my friend he cried 他哭喊著伊薩卡是我的朋友
He begged them with his tears 他流著淚乞求他們
But centuries of hatred 但世紀累積的仇恨
Have ears that do not hear 不是淚水可以融化
An eye for an eye 以眼還眼,以牙還牙
That was all that filled their minds 是他們唯一的信條
And another eye for another eye 繼續以眼還眼
Till everyone was blind 直到同歸於盡
Now I don’t know where the moral is如今我不知勇氣何在
Or where the song should end 歌聲什麼時候才會停止
But I wonder just how many wars 但是我思索會有多少戰爭
Are fought between good friends 讓好朋友反目成仇
And those who give the orders 而那發號司令的人
Are not the ones to die 卻不是這犧牲的人
It’s Scott and young MacDonald 犧牲的是史葛和年輕的麥當勞
And the likes of you and I 還有如你我之流的人
There were roses, roses 遍地的玫瑰啊,玫瑰
There were roses 遍地的玫瑰
And the tears of a people ran together眾人眼淚奔流而下
這首〈遍地玫瑰〉(There were roses)的原作者是愛爾蘭當代民謠歌手湯米山德斯(Tommy Sands),背景是在1974年的北愛爾蘭,當時是愛爾蘭共和軍最為活躍的時代,為了將北愛從英國獨立出去,支持英國的新教徒和支持愛爾蘭的天主教徒嚴重對立,發生了一系列的流血衝突。湯米山德斯的好友新教徒艾倫貝爾(Allan Bell)被天主教徒殺害,引發新教徒的報復行動,湯米山德斯的另一位好友天主教徒尚恩歐馬力(Sean O'Malley)慘遭新教徒獵殺,死前他還高喊著我是艾倫貝爾的好友。兩個年輕人成為了仇恨的犧牲品,被無情的被剝奪了生命,徒留兩人墓前遍地的玫瑰,這是多麼諷刺的景象。
開場曲及歌詞引自卡拉狄瓏(Cara Dillon) 2003年9月發行的第二張專輯《甜蜜的自由》(Sweet Liberty),歌詞和原作略有修改
湯米山德斯(Tommy Sands)的原唱
愛爾蘭民謠大師派迪萊利(Paddy Reilly)
莉莎麥克修(Lisa McHugh)的現場演唱
無主遊民(Masterless Men)樂團的版本