懺情悲歌5-印地安人的血淚史:戈登萊福(Gordon Lightfoot)的〈裘諾奇灣〉(Cherokee Bend)
His father was a man who could never understand他父親的為人讓人無法理解
The shame on a red man's face以身為紅人為恥
So they lived in the hills and they never came down他們一直住在山上沒有下來,
But to trade in the white man's place除了到白人的地盤做生意之外
It was early in the spring when the snow had disappeared早春之際積雪已經消失
They came down with a bag of skins他們帶了一袋皮毛下山
In the fall of the year of 1910在1910年的秋天
Daddy died by the rope down in Cherokee Bend.爸爸在裘諾奇灣被處以絞刑
Daddy didn't like what the white man said爸爸不喜歡那位白人說
'Bout the dirty little kid at his side他身邊的小孩子眞骯髒
Daddy didn't like what the white man did爸爸不喜歡那位白人的作為
Nor the deal or the way that he lied不論是交易過程或他撒謊的行徑
There was blood on the floor of the government store國營商店的地板上血跡斑斑
When the men took his daddy away當那群男人擄走了他爸爸
But the boy stayed back till he come to his end但是男孩一直尾隨直到爸爸喪命
And he run like the wind from Cherokee Bend然後他狂奔如風離開了裘諾奇灣
Now the mother was alone and the winter was at hand寒冬將臨時孤單的母親
And she prayed to her spirit kin她向著祖靈祈禱
It was warm in the lodge in the Kentucky hills這肯塔基州山區的小屋仍然溫暖
On the day when the boy came in在男孩歸來的那一天
Then a blizzard came down and it covered up the door然而暴雪落下掩門扉
Till they thought that it never would end眾人皆信這場雪永無止盡
And he told her the tale of the terrible affair他告訴了她這件可怕的事
In the government store down in Cherokee Bend就發生在裘諾奇灣的國營商店
Daddy didn't like what the white man said爸爸不喜歡那位白人說
'Bout the dirty little kid at his side他身邊的小孩子眞骯髒
Daddy didn't like what the white man did爸爸不喜歡那位白人的作為
Nor the deal or the way that he lied不論是交易過程或他撒謊的行徑
For three long days and three long nights漫長的三天三夜
They wept and they mourned and then他們哭泣哀悼,然後
She returned to her work and her weavin'她重新開始她的編織工作
And they tried to forget about Cherokee Bend他們試著忘記裘諾奇灣的一切
Now the boy wasn't big but he hunted what he could如今男孩雖未長的很高大但已能獵捕小動物
And they lived for a time that way他們一起生活了一段時日
But the food run low and the meat went bad但是糧食漸不足且肉也變質了
And she said to the boy one day有一天她對男孩說
I'm leaving tonight and I never will return今晚我就要離開,我永遠不會返回
From the land of my Spirit Kin這塊屬於祖靈的家園
You must take what you need and trade what you can你須獵捕你需要的交易剩餘的
For a Red Man's grave down in Cherokee Bend為了那位葬在裘諾奇灣的紅人
It wasn't very long till she closed her eyes不久之後她就闔上雙眼
And he wrapped her in a robe他用長袍包裹著她
He found her a place on the side of the hill在山邊找了一個的地方
And he buried her in the snow在大雪中他埋葬了她
Early in the spring he was seen in the town早春之際他現身鎮上
With his load looking ragged and thin他滄桑的外表憔悴瘦弱
Not a year had gone by till he stood once again不到一年他再次站在這裡
In the government store down in Cherokee Bend在裘諾奇灣的國營商店
He was ten years tall and a Redskin too他看起來十歲大小也是個紅皮膚
So he hadn't much face to save因此他也沒有什麼顏面好保留的
And the men sat around and they laughed and they clowned這群男子圍坐訕笑嘻鬧
At the talk of a criminal's grave談論著罪犯的墳墓
Then the man from the east didn't smile when he said然後東側的男子停止嘲笑他說
You're the son of that Indian scum你是那位印地安敗類的兒子
If you value your hide then you better abide如果你惦惦你的份量你最好聽話
By the white man's rules here in Cherokee Bend.裘諾奇灣可是白人的地盤
Daddy didn't like what the white man said爸爸不喜歡那位白人說
'Bout the dirty little kid at his side他身邊的小孩子眞骯髒
Daddy didn't like what the white man did爸爸不喜歡那位白人的作為
Nor the deal or the way that he lied不論是交易過程或他撒謊的行徑
And he spit on the floor of the government store他吐痰在國營商店的地板上
And it served him to no good end導致了他沒有好下場
At the close of the day they had taken him away在傍晚他們擄走了他
To the white man's school down at Cherokee Bend帶到裘諾奇灣的白人學校
It's been 21 years since the boy disappeared男孩失踪已經21年了
Where he run to, nobody knows誰也不知道他跑到哪裡去
But they say he fell in with a man named Jim傳說他和一個叫吉姆的人同住
And he rides in the rodeos他在牛仔秀中表演馬術
And they say he returns all alone to a place傳說他獨自回到此地
Hidden deep in the Kentucky glen藏身在肯塔基州河谷
And it's pretty well known who hauled up the stone此處聞名是因有人搬運石塊
To the grave on the hill above Cherokee Bend到裘諾奇灣山上的墳墓
Daddy didn't like what the white man said爸爸不喜歡那位白人說
'Bout the dirty little kid at his side他身邊的小孩子眞骯髒
Daddy didn't like what the white man did爸爸不喜歡那位白人的作為
Nor the deal or the way that he lied不論是交易過程或他撒謊的行徑
There was blood on the floor of the government store國營商店的地板上血跡斑斑
When the men took his daddy away當那群男人擄走了他爸爸
It was 1910 and they never had a friend在1910年他們從來沒有朋友
When he died by the rope down at Cherokee Bend當他被吊死在裘諾奇灣時
It was 1910 and they never had a friend在1910年他們從來沒有朋友
When he died by the rope down at Cherokee Bend當他被吊死在裘諾奇灣時
戈登萊福(Gordon Lightfoot)演唱的〈裘諾奇灣〉(Cherokee Bend)訴說著印地安人的血淚史,男孩長大後到底報仇了沒?歌詞裡只有暗示沒有明講。這句”he rides in the rodeos”也可譯為「他策馬牛群中,牧牛維生。」筆者譯為「他在牛仔秀中表演馬術」,是因牛仔的騎術是襲自印地安人,白人不僅拿走了土地,也將騎術據為牛仔所有。這首敘事歌謠,在戈登萊福磁性嗓音及精采的吉他伴奏中,以白人民謠樂風與白人的觀點,揭露反省了種族問題的無情,傳達了被掠奪者最深沉的抗議。
裘諾奇族(Cherokee)北美印第安人之一族,屬於易洛魁族系的北美印第安民族。居住在田納西州東部和北卡羅來納州及南卡羅來納州的西部。原住于大湖區周圍,被德拉瓦人和易洛魁人擊敗後,遷移南方。1650年人口估計有22,500人,分佈于阿帕拉契山脈10萬平方公里(4萬平方哩)的地區。 裘諾奇在生活和文化方面與克裏克人(Creek)和其他東南部印第安人非常相似。裘諾奇部落由紅城(戰爭城)和白城(和平城)兩種城鎮的聯盟組成;紅城諸城鎮的首領們統一由一名最高軍事首領指揮,白城諸城鎮官員則由一名最高和平首領領導。白城諸城鎮為犯有罪錯的人們提供庇護聖所,戰爭儀式則在紅城諸城鎮舉 行。
16世紀中期初次與歐洲人接觸時,裘諾奇人擁有各種石器,如︰石斧、石刀、石鑿等。其經濟活動 有編筐、制陶、種植玉蜀黍、豆類和南瓜。鹿、熊、麋等獵物可以提供肉食和衣著。住房為木造小屋,覆以樹皮,有門無窗,屋頂有煙囪。一座典型的裘諾奇城鎮擁 有30∼60間這類小屋,另有一個議事廳,用於舉行大會,燃燒聖火。重要宗教儀式為綠穀節,舉行初果和新火儀式。
1800年以後,裘諾奇人明顯吸收白人文化,模仿美國政府形式組成自己的政府。在裘諾奇首領朱納魯斯卡(Junaluska)率領下,支援傑克森(Andrew Jackson)將軍反對克裏克人,尤以馬蹄灣戰役最為顯著。裘諾奇人採用白人的耕作、紡織、修建等方法;大概這方面最為引人注意的是裘諾奇語的音節表。這種音節表約於1821年由塞闊雅(Sequoyah)創制,非常成功,短期推行之後,幾乎已使整個部落無一文盲。塞闊雅是一名混血裘諾奇人,克裏克戰爭時期,曾在美國軍隊中服役。裘諾奇人有一部成文憲法,宗教文獻包括基督教若干經籍譯本,興盛一時。1828年2月創刊《裘諾奇鳳凰報》(Cherokee Phoenix),是第一份印第安報紙。20世紀晚期,約有47,000名裘諾奇人的後裔居住在奧克拉荷馬州東部,還有15,000人是純正血統的。 1838年遷徙時,有幾百名裘諾奇人逃往山區,因而才有20世紀晚期住在北卡羅來納州西部的約3,000名裘諾奇人。