熱血傑若米林(Jeremy Lin)與珍珠果醬(Pearl Jam)的〈傑若米〉(Jeremy)

四天前如果有人說林書豪有機會能如史提夫納許(Seve Nash)一樣成為傑出控衛,成為尼克隊總教練迪安東尼的攻擊發電機、場上指揮官,一定會被說是癡人說夢。想不到三天內林書豪兩度證明他能夠做到,只要給他機會。今天在對爵士的比賽中,傑若米林又以28分、8助攻、2抄截的優異表現,在阿嬤喪假缺陣,卡賣肉只打了5分鐘就因鼠蹊部拉傷退場的不利情形下,帶領尼克痛擊對手,再度證明了他的價值。
兩度被NBA放棄的林書豪,加入紐約尼克隊後久坐板凳,前天他在主場出賽籃網時火力全開,展現他過人一等的籃球智商,拿下全隊最高的25分,帶領尼克隊以9992分擊敗對手,球賽尾聲近2萬名觀眾齊喊他的英文名字Je-re-my!比賽結束之際,尼克播音員還特別播放搖滾樂團珍珠果醬(Pearl Jam)的名曲〈傑若米〉(Jeremy),為林書豪喝采。
18日,美國德州理查森中學的學生傑若米德爾(Jeremy Delle)在英文課上當著全體師生的面舉槍自盡,15歲就結束了自己的生命。珍珠果醬樂團的主唱艾迪維德(Eddie Vedder)和貝斯手傑夫阿曼特(Jeff Ament)根據這個真實事件,寫成了〈傑若米〉這首歌。在那個Grunge流行的年代,珍珠果醬的MV中閃現著傑若米強硬又可悲的身影,一舉奪得當年MTV4項大獎。有人分析了傑若米舉槍自盡的來龍去脈:父母的婚姻不和、溝通的障礙、扭曲的教育、同學的排擠、對宗教的質疑、極端的孤獨、自尊的滿足、自殘復仇的誘惑以及成長的艱辛。兩相對照,生命的價值就在一念之間……
The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself. Be stronger than those people. And then you can come back.
〈傑若米〉(Jeremy)  珍珠果醬(Pearl Jam)

At home
Drawing pictures
Of mountain tops
With him on top
Lemon yellow sun
Arms raised in a V
Dead lay in pools of maroon below

Daddy didn't give attention
To the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy the wicked
Ruled his world

Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today

Clearly I remember
Pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed a lion
Gnashed his teeth
And bit the recess lady's breast

How could I forget
He hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurting
Dropped wide open
Just like the day
Like the day I heard

Daddy didn't give affection
And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear
King Jeremy the wicked
Ruled his world

Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Try to forget this...
Try to erase this...
From the blackboard.


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