〈落魄潦倒無人問〉(Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out)-貝西史密絲(Bessie Smith)
Well,once I lived the life of a millionaire我曾經過著百萬富豪的日子
Spending my money I didn't care我揮金如土從不在意
Taking my friends out for a mighty good time呼朋引伴出去消磨時光
Buyin' bootleg liquor, champagne and wine搜購暢飲私釀美酒與香檳
Then I began to fall so low然後我開始走下坡至銀彈枯竭
Couldn't find me no friend,had no place to go我發現沒了朋友,無處可去
If I ever get my hands on a dollar again如果我手裡又有了錢
I'm gonna hold on to it,till the eagle grins我會緊握著鈔票,直到我死去
I said,nobody knows you我說過,沒有人認識你
when you're down and out當你落魄潦倒
In you pockets,you ain't got one penny當你一貧如洗
And your friends,you didn't have any你的朋友們就會一哄而散
Just as soon as you get upon your feet again一旦你再次站穩了腳跟
Here they all come,they say他們都來對你表白
That they're your long-lost friend他們是你很久前失去聯繫的朋友
Oh Lord,without a doubt哦,我的天,毫無疑問地
Nobody wants you,nobody needs you沒有人理你,沒有人需要你
Nobody wants you when you're down and out沒有人理你,當你落魄潦倒
I say nobody wants you,nobody needs you我說沒有人理你,沒有人需要你
Nobody wants you when you're down and out沒有人理你,當你落魄潦倒
這首經典藍調歌曲〈落魄潦倒無人問〉(Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out)原唱為貝西史密絲(Bessie Smith,1892-1937),由吉米考克斯 (Jimmy Cox)於1923年所創作。歌詞描述1920年之後禁酒時期(Prohibition era)一位破產百萬富翁的遭遇,反映了金錢財富的短暫易逝以及友誼隨著貴賤來來去去的本質,當真〈落魄潦倒無人問〉。妮娜席夢在Four Women: Nina Simone Philips Recordings 專輯中也收錄了此歌,請看第2部影片Down And Out,聆賞她以鋼琴自彈自唱的詮釋。
貝西史密絲因其對藍調歌謠的貢獻,被後世樂評家尊崇為美國國寶「藍調女皇」,在藍調歷史與美國流行樂壇中具有無遠弗屆的影響力,受她影響的歌手有比莉哈樂黛(Billie Holiday)、珍妮絲喬普琳(Janis Joplin)和晚近的諾拉瓊絲(Norah Jones)。有關貝西史密絲的簡介請參閱 耕者有其田: 【簡介】Bessie Smith
〈落魄潦倒無人問〉既然為藍調經典,翻唱者自然不計其數,歌者詮釋各有特色,請聽聽艾伯塔杭特(Alberta Hunter)、妮娜席夢(Nina Simone)、艾瑞克克萊普頓(Eric Clapton)、卡拉布妮(Carla Bruni)、比比金(B.B.King)、喬許懷特(Josh White)等人的演唱。其中已貴為法國總統夫人的名模歌手卡拉布妮(Carla Bruni)唱起這首歌,感覺很奇特,難道是唱給她的總統老公聽的…
歌詞中這句"hold on to it 'til the eagle grins"我譯為「緊握著緊握著鈔票,直到我死去。」這是個隱喻,因為美鈔背面印有白頭鷹(美國國鳥),當禿鷹咧嘴一笑,就代表有腐肉可吃了。
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