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天生狂野,無畏的真我-籃球名人堂的壞男孩-丹尼斯羅德曼(Dennis Rodman)

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尼爾楊(Neil Young) -愛與戰爭(Love And War)

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青澀歲月的徬徨-尼爾楊(Neil Young)的〈無助〉(Helpless)

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遇到舊情人-哈利薛平(Harry Chapin)的〈計程車〉(Taxi)與〈續集〉(Sequel)

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哈利薛平(Harry Chapin)-〈老鳥DJ的廣播人生〉(W.O.L.D.)

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〈沉默之聲〉(The Sound of Silence)-賽門與芬柯(Simon & Garfunkel)

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〈罪人〉(Sinnerman)-妮娜席夢( Nina Simone)

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〈落魄潦倒無人問〉(Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out)-貝西史密絲(Bessie Smith)

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〈一無所有/命一條〉(Ain't got no/ I got life)–妮娜席夢(Nina Simone)

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