尼爾楊(Neil Young) -愛與戰爭(Love And War)
When I sing about love and war當我唱著愛和戰爭
I don't really know what I'm saying我也不確知我在說什麼
I've been in love and I've seen a lot of war我一直活在愛中也曾目睹許多戰爭
Seen a lot of people praying看到很多人祈禱
They pray to Allah and they prey to the lord他們向真主祈禱,他們向上帝禱告
But mostly they pray about love and war但多數人是對愛和戰爭祈禱
Pray about love and war 為愛和戰爭祈禱
I've seen a lot of young men go to war我見過很多年輕人去打仗
And leave a lot of young brides waiting徒留許多年輕的新娘在等待
I've watched them try to explain it to their kids我看著她們試圖向孩子解釋
And seen a lot of them failing只看到她們多數都失敗了
They tried to tell them and they tried to explain她們試圖告訴孩子,她們試著解釋
Why daddy won't ever come home again. 為什麼爸爸再也不會回來了。
Daddy won't ever come home again爸爸永遠不會再回家
Daddy won't ever come home again爸爸永遠不會再回家
I said a lot of things that I can't take back我說了很多我不能收回的事情
But I don't really know if I want to但是我真的不知道我是否真想如此
There've been songs about love曾經有過關於愛的歌曲
I sang songs about war我唱著有關戰爭的歌曲
Since the backstreets of Toronto從多倫多的後街
I sang for justice and I hit a bad chord我為正義而唱而我觸動了惡劣心情
But I still try to sing about love and war但我還是想唱出關於愛和戰爭
Sing about love and war 唱出關於愛和戰爭
The saddest thing in the whole wide world 世上最傷心的事
Is to break the heart of your lover 莫過於傷了愛人的心
I made a mistake and I did it again 我一錯再錯
And we struggled to recover我們努力去撫平
Then I sang in anger, hit another bad chord 我懷著怒氣歌唱,觸動了另一波壞心情
But I still try to sing about love and war 但我還是想唱出關於愛和戰爭
I've been in love and I've seen a lot of war 我一直活在愛中也曾目睹許多戰爭
Seen a lot of people praying 看到很多人祈禱
They pray to Allah and they prey to the lord他們向真主祈禱,他們向上帝禱告
But mostly they pray about love and war但多數人是對愛和戰爭祈禱
Pray about love and war 為愛和戰爭祈禱
愛與戰爭(Love And War)是首悲天憫人的木吉他小品,由尼爾楊(Neil Young)詞曲,描述不管是信仰阿拉或上帝的人們,都在祈禱著關於愛與戰爭。母親總是無法向兒女解釋父親為什麼再也無法從戰場回來。老楊說已經有太多關於愛的歌,所以他唱著關於(反)戰爭的歌,儘管總帶著怒氣,儘管不動聽。
老楊的歌,總是非常獨特的想法,每次聽他的歌總是會有一波波衝擊和感動襲上心頭。本曲選自尼爾楊2010年發行的《大聲喧鬧》(Le Noise)專輯,整張專輯人聲和樂器非常簡單,對照專輯名稱呈現強烈的反差。老楊企圖營造50年末老搖滾的場景,沒有整團樂隊的協助,主架構圍繞在原音(Acoustic)的根基上,但仍有插電的樂器做為鋪陳高潮樂段的佐料。捨棄尖端的科技錄音,展現平實的感動。沒有和聲沒有其他樂器伴奏,唯有尼爾楊(Neil Young)人聲和吉他獨奏,加上製作人丹尼爾雷諾伊斯(Daniel Lanois)製造的瀰漫迴音與音效。