
影片1.2.3是泰瑞傑克斯(Terry Jacks)的版本,影片4.5是Jacques Brel - Le Moribond的法文原唱(中英譯字幕)

陽光季節(Seasons in the sun)-青春的眷戀或垂死的救贖

陽光季節(Seasons in the sun)這首歌原本是由比利時詩人暨作曲家賈克斯布瑞爾(Jacques Brel)1961年以法文創作的「臨終的人」(Le Moribond /The Dying Man)。賈克斯布瑞爾揣摩正值盛年卻因病垂死之人的心情,寫下這首獻給父親、摯友和妻子歌,巧合的是1974年他亦被證實罹患了肺癌。這首歌是賈克斯布瑞爾和其好友美國詩人、作曲家兼歌手洛麥昆(Rod McKuen)所合作,洛麥昆將之翻譯成英文,並由金斯頓三重唱(Kingston Trio)的Bob Shane 錄音發行,但沒紅起來。當時十分走紅的海灘少年合唱團(Beach Boys)也將此曲灌錄成單曲,但錄好後卻因某些原因而決定不發行。後來,參與錄音伴奏的泰瑞傑克斯(Terry Jacks)為了追悼一位意外死亡的友人,便自己重新錄了這首歌,並徵得原作詞者的同意,修改了部份歌詞及角色,才成就了現在我們所熟知的版本。

加拿大出生在美國成長的泰瑞傑克斯是一位家喻戶曉的搖滾樂明星,他和Susan Pesklevits組成二重唱The Poppy Family,比利你往何處去(Which Way You Goin' Billy)則是他們唱紅的一首曲子。1973年泰瑞傑克斯將錄好的陽光季節母帶放在自宅地下室的櫃架上將近一年,一位送報僮偶然間聽到泰瑞播放此曲,便央求泰瑞同意他帶朋友一起來聽這首歌,他們的熱忱激發了泰瑞自行發行這首歌的決心。果不其然,泰瑞傑克斯演唱的陽光季節於加拿大、英、美都大受歡迎,登上排行冠軍並風靡全球,這首單曲全球總銷售量超過了六百萬張。英國的偶像團體西城男孩合唱團(Westlife)於1999年曾翻唱這首歌,再度將這首經典老歌介紹給了全世界的年輕歌迷。




1.賈克斯布瑞爾(Jacques Brel)親自演唱原版「臨終的人」(Le Moribond)在輕快俏皮節奏中以法語誦唱著對生命的灑脫,小喇叭的急連音與切分音吹奏和小提琴的嗚咽流連,輪替出現,流露著對生命的不捨與眷戀。


Good-bye, my wife, I loved you well 再見,吾妻,我好愛妳

Good-bye, my wife, I loved you well, you know, 再見,吾妻,妳知道我是多麼愛妳

But I'm taking the train for the Good Lord, 但我將搭乘火車到上帝那兒

I'm taking the train before yours 我比妳早一步搭上那班火車

But you take whatever train you can; 但妳可搭任何一班妳能搭的列車

Goodbye, my wife, I'm going to die, 再見,吾妻,我將死去

It's hard to die in springtime, you know, 妳知道,年紀輕輕就死去是不容易的

But I'm leaving for the flowers with my eyes closed, my wife, 可是我卻闔上雙眼,留下如花似玉的妳

Because I closed them often, 由於我常親近他們

I know you will take care of my soul. 我知道妳會小心呵護我的靈魂


2.Rod McKuen吟唱版,如同他最著名專輯The Sea的風格,滄桑內斂的舒緩吟唱,以搖擺的貝斯及鋼琴襯底,伴隨時而響起的悠揚弦樂,用無數個悲字仍不足以形容。Rod McKuen的英譯版的角色除了敘述者外還有老爸、摯友愛彌兒(Emile)以及妻子法蘭柯絲(Francoise)。而其中以這段針對妻子法蘭柯絲給他戴綠帽的告白最為震撼。

Goodbye, Francoise, my faithful wife 再見,法蘭柯絲,我忠實的老婆
without you I’d have had a lonely life 沒有妳我將孤寂一生
you cheated lots of times, but then妳欺騙我多時,但現在
I forgave you in the end最終我原諒了妳
though your lover was my friend. 雖然妳的情人就是我好友



陽光季節(Seasons in the sun)歌詞如下,中英對照歌詞來自安德森,筆者僅將這句「Were just seasons out of time」的中譯修正為「都已成了過往雲煙」。

Goodbye to you, my trusted friend 再見了,我忠實的朋友
We've known each other since we're nine or ten 咱們從九歲或十歲時就認識了
Together we climbed hills or trees 我們一起爬山,一起爬樹
Learned of love and ABC's 一起學習愛和ABC
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees 磨練心性也磨破了膝蓋

Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die 再見了,朋友,道別是如此難以啟齒
When all the birds are singing in the sky 當鳥兒在空中歌唱
Now that the spring is in the air 此刻,春天的氣息洋溢
Pretty girls are everywhere 到處都是漂亮的女孩
When you see them I'll be there 當你看見她們,我將隨之出現

We had joy, we had fun 我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
We had seasons in the sun 我們曾擁有陽光季節
But the hills that we climbed 但是我們爬過的小山坡
Were just seasons out of time 都已成了過往雲煙

Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me 再見,老爸,請為我祈禱
I was the black sheep of the family 我曾是家裡的壞小孩
You tried to teach me right from wrong 你曾試著教我分辨對錯
Too much wine and too much song 太多的美酒與歌
Wonder how I get along 懷疑我是怎麼過日子的

Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die 再見了,老爸,道別是如此難以啟齒
When all the birds are singing in the sky 當鳥兒在空中歌唱
Now that the spring is in the air 此刻,春天的氣息洋溢
Little children everywhere 孩童們四處奔跑
When you see them I'll be there 當你看見他們,我將隨之出現

We had joy, we had fun 我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
We had seasons in the sun 我們曾擁有陽光季節
But the wine and the song 但美酒與歌
Like the seasons all have gone 像季節一樣消逝無蹤

Goodbye Michelle, my little one 再見了,蜜雪兒,我的小情人
You gave me love and helped me find the sun 你給了我愛,幫助我找到陽光
And every time that I was down 每次我意志消沈
You would always come around 你總是來到我身邊
And get my feet back on the ground 幫助我重新振作起來

Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die 再見了,蜜雪兒,道別是如此難以啟齒
When all the bird are singing in the sky 當鳥兒在空中歌唱
Now that the spring is in the air 此刻,春天的氣息洋溢
With the flowers everywhere 花兒四處開放
I wish that we could both be there 願我倆能在一起

We had joy, we had fun 我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
We had seasons in the sun 我們曾擁有陽光季節
But the stars we could reach 我們能摘到的星星
Were just starfishes on the beach 不過是沙灘上的海星



1978年10 月9日陽光季節(Seasons in the sun)的原創人賈克斯布瑞爾在和癌症奮戰六年後,終於被病魔吞噬。徒留陽光季節(Seasons in the sun)傳唱人間,只是多數人已不記得他-賈克斯布瑞爾(Jacques Brel)的名字。



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