南加州從來不下雨(It never rains in southern California)-艾伯特漢蒙(Albert Hammond)
It never rains in southern California- Barry Manilow翻唱
Got on board a westbound seven forty-seven 搭上西行的七四七客機 Didn't think before deciding what to do 在決定以前,並未仔細思考 Oh, that talk of opportunities, 噢!電視廣告和電影裡都說 TV breaks and movies 那裡機會很多 Rang true, sure rang true 電話鈴響,美夢就成真 *Seems it never rains in southern California南加州似乎從來不下雨 Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before 好像從前就常常聽到這種說法 It never rains in California 南加州從來不下雨 But girl don't they warn ya 但是女孩,沒人會警告你 It pours, man it pours 大雨下著,傾盆而下........ Out of work, I'm out of my head 失去工作,我茫然失措 Out of self respect, I'm out of bread 失去尊嚴,三餐不繼 I'm underloved, I'm underfed 沒人關心,營養不良 I wanna go home 我想回家 It never rains in California 南加州從來不下雨 But girl don't they warn ya 但是女孩,沒人會警告你 It pours, man it pours 其實是下著大雨,傾盆而下........ Will you tell the folks back home 回家鄉後,可否請你告訴父老們 I nearly made it 我就快成功了 Had offers but don't know which one to take 機會很多,卻不知該怎麼抉擇 Please don't tell them how you found me 請別告訴他們你是如何找到我的 Don't tell them how you found me 別告訴他們你是如何找到我的 Give me a break, give me a break(*) 饒了我,請饒了我........ 歌詞引自安德森之夢,略加潤飾一二句中譯
不久前才在KTV重溫了這首歌,以前都是不求甚解,加上艾伯特漢蒙(Albert Hammond)唱得那麼灑脫輕快,所以,總把此曲幻想成南加州不下雨,艷陽下美女成群,讓人喘不過氣的芭樂歌。現在想想還真錯得離譜,原來這首歌是描寫遊子在離鄉背井的落魄現實與內心仍堅持衣錦還鄉的信念兩者之間的衝突與掙扎。
艾伯特漢蒙 1944 年出生於英國倫敦,是位極成功的作曲家歌手,在發行個人專輯之前,就曾經為多位藝人寫過許多首暢銷曲,他的作品曾被灌錄為英語和西班牙語,風行於歐、亞、美三大洲,年代從六十年代至今橫跨四十年,最近的一張專輯發行於 2005 年。年紀和老安德森相仿的資深樂友或許還記得以下這些著名的作品:Leo Sayer 的” When I need you “、The Hollies 的” The air that I breath ”、Starship 的" Nothing's gonna stop us now "、Willie Nelson and Julio Iglesias 的" To all the girls I've loved before "等。 艾伯特漢蒙直到 1973 年,才發行他的個人首張專輯,裡面出現了一首暢銷單曲" It never rains in southern California 南加州從來不下雨 " 他回憶起寫這首歌時說道:
寫這首歌時是在倫敦,當時我和作詞搭檔 麥克黑佐伍德(Mike Hazelwood)計劃前往洛杉磯發展,我聊起了自己在西班牙的遭遇。當時的我才剛起步,窮到沒錢吃飯,又不肯向父母討救兵,只好在火車站外面向人乞討。正巧我的表哥在西班牙度蜜月,在火車站遇見他時,我根本不敢相信自己的眼睛。他鄉遇見親人,我當然跟他開口要錢,他說:你應該覺得很丟臉,我要告訴你父親。我哀求道:拜託別說出去,他要是知道了鐵定抓狂,而且會阻止我留在這裡。然後,表哥帶我到旅館梳洗換裝,又給了我一些錢,然後我便離開了。
後來表哥回美國後,還是把事情告訴了我父親。所以這首歌的歌詞雖然把場景搬移到了美國,但" Will you tell the folks back home I nearly made it "等幾句歌詞,就是我當年奮鬥的心情寫照,而我從摩洛哥到西班牙,從西班牙到英國,又從英國到美國發展,這首歌對我可說別具意義。 這首歌發行後反應甚佳,共售出百萬張單曲唱片,也是艾伯特漢蒙自己演唱的作品中最受推崇的歌曲。
2008.04.17╱Albert Hammond 艾伯特漢蒙╱It never rains in southern California 南加州從來不下雨╱1973 遊子情懷 之三 每一個出外奮鬥的孩子 誰不想衣錦還鄉?
Intro: Am D G Em Am D G
Am D G
Got on board a west bound 747
Didn't think before decidin' what to do
Am D G Em
All that talk of opportunity, ?tv breaks and movies?
Ring true, sure rang true
Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
Am D
It never rains in California
G Em
But girl, don't they warn ya
But it pours, man it pours
I'm outta work, I'm outta my head
Outta self-respect, I'm outta bread
I'm underloved and underfed
I wanna go home
--Solo-> Am D G Em Am D G Am D G Em Am D G
Will ya tell the folks back home, I nearly made it?
Had offers, but don't know which one to take
Please don't tell 'em how you found me
And don't tell 'em how you found me
Gimme a break, give me a break
--Repeat Chorus
--Outro: Am D G Em Am D G Am D G Em Am D G
(fades out)
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