顛沛電影節(Rolling Film Festival) -Showcasing Films made by and about Roma
顛沛電影節(Rolling Film Festival)訂於2009年10月19至21日在科索沃(Kosovo)首府普里什蒂那(Prishtina)的ABC影城舉行,放映20餘部有關科索沃及全球吉普賽人也就是羅姆人(Roma)的電影或紀錄片,探討羅姆人的生活、文化、歷史與融合的過程。
On 19th, 20th and 21th October 2009, Balkan Sunflowers Kosova and Romawood Productions will host Rolling Film Festival in the ABC Cinema, Prishtina.
Rolling Film Festival will feature more than 20 films made by and about Roma worldwide. It will be the first of its kind in Kosova, focusing on the life, culture, and history as well as the rights and integration of Roma in Kosova and globally.
During each of the three festival days, there will be a special school program for high school students from 9:00 to 13:30.
The public program of films and discussions will run from 13:45 till 23.30 each day (including the first day). Selected documentaries and feature films will be followed by discussions between international and Kosovar filmmakers, civil society representatives, academics, artists and audience. Through these discussions, Rolling Film Festival will contribute to improved communication and understanding.
The Opening Ceremony will take place on Monday 19th October at 19.00.
Screenings are free of charge and the public is encouraged to take part in the discussions.
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