Why Judy Why - Billy Joel
Of all the people in the world that I know
You're the best place to go when I cry, when I cry
I never asked for much before, not before
Things are changed: I need more
Tell my why Judy why
I never thought that she would say, say goodbye
But she did, and now I want to die, I want to die
I never thought that I would need, need a friend
Oh, but I did in the end
Tell me why Judy why
Oh, what a scene
It's wrong for her to hang me up this way
Oh, where've you been?
'Cause it's so hard to make it through the day
A man my age is very young,
So I'm told
Why do I feel so old?
Tell me why Judy why, Judy why
Oh what a scene
It's wrong for her to hang me up this way
Oh, where've you been?
'Cause it's so hard to make it through the day
There's no tomorrow,
'Cause my dream did not last
So I live in the past
Tell me why Judy why
Tell me why Judy why
Oh, tell me why Judy why
〈茱蒂告訴我為什麼〉(Why Judy Why)原作者及原唱為比利喬(Billy Joel),選自他在1971年發的第一張專輯《冷泉港》(Cold Spring Harbor),歌中的茱蒂是誰?網路上有2種說法,一說是他的姊姊茱蒂嬌(Judy Joel),也有人說是他的母親,但均缺乏證進一步的說明。從這句need a friend的詞意上判斷,茱蒂應是比利喬的情人才合理。比利喬以一把吉他自彈自唱〈茱蒂告訴我為什麼〉,和絃的行進及間奏堪稱經典,可惜錄音上有瑕疵,音質單薄,轉速怪怪的。我最喜歡這段歌詞'Cause it's so hard to make it through the day/A man my age is very young/So I'm told/Why do I feel so old?最近看到我的人都說我變老了,頭髮更白了,雖然已不再年輕,但聽到這樣的提醒,不禁自忖,是否忙碌艱辛的日子讓自己的心態也變老了嗎?
義大利爵士2人組佩特拉瑪哥妮&盧費修斯賓尼提(Petra Magoni & Ferruccio Spinetti )在2006年發的專輯《赤裸樂章2》(Musica Nuda 2)中也翻唱了〈茱蒂告訴我為什麼〉一曲,佩特拉瑪哥妮純淨無邪的人聲,配上盧費修斯賓尼提擦滑撥彈的低音大提琴貝斯,直接撞擊你的心弦,讓人無法招架。鋼琴伴奏為義籍新生代鋼琴家斯特凡諾‧伯拉尼(Stefano Bollani)。