Well I don't want just a girl to fool around with / Well I don't want just a girl to ball alright / What I want is a girl that I care about / Or I want nothing at all.
/ Alright - Well I won't pretend I like a girl if I really don't / And act like she's great when she makes me feel appalled / All I want is a girl that I care about
Or I want nothing at all. - Well I don't want some cocaine sniffing triumph in the bar / Well I don't want a triumph in the car / I don't want to make a rich girl crawl / What I want is a girl that I care about / Or I want no one at all / Alright, listen to this now. - Picture this: I'm walking with my girlfriend / 28 misguided souls combined say, "We're moving in" / There's a certain kind of girl that you care about so much / You say, "I don't care what you guys do to me, but her, DON'T TOUCH!" - 'Cause I don't want just a girl to fool around with / I don't want just a girl to ball / What I want is a girl that I care about / Or I want nothing at all / Oh alright - Well I don't want a girl to fool around with no / I don't want just a girl to ball no / What I want is a girl that I care about / Or I want nothing at all. - Alright, gentlemen.
強納森里奇曼(Jonathan Richman),一九五一年生於美國波士頓; 後來在七○年代早期加入了「 Modern Lovers 」,這個樂團是70年代曇花一現的龐克樂隊,成員有Jonathan Richman、後來Talking Heads的Jerry Harrison和the Cars的David Robinson等,陣容不可謂不強。這是該樂隊的首張專輯,錄製於1972年,但一直拖到1976年才正式發行,此時樂隊已經處於半解散狀態,許多重要 成員都離隊達兩年之久了,因此專輯在商業上基本上沒有什麼成就。但這張專輯還是得到樂評界的較高評價,被認為是70年代龐克的最優秀代表作之一。對後來的龐客、新浪潮以及另類與獨立音樂有著深遠影響。
該團曲風受the Velvet Underground的影響較深,與同時代的MC5和The Stooges相比,更注重旋律,基本上不使用尖厲的吉他噪音,更容易為大眾所接受。
本專輯在滾石雜誌評出的500張歷代最強專輯中排名第381位。這張唱片裡的音樂,具備一種令人感到神祕且深刻切割的力量。 Jonathan Richman 所塑造出的世界中,時光和空間彷彿脫離了自身的本質,「古老的世界」與「現代的世界」和諧地並存,呈現初一個年輕美國男孩對周遭環境千奇百怪的觀察與渴望。這種形象,敏感卻又粗礪而熱情洋溢,未經修飾的浪漫想望,赤裸地展現在世人眼前:「 Someone I Care About 」和「 Girlfriend 」兩首歌,就是他對現代愛情的理念原型。這種理念,可以是毫無愛意、純然性慾取向的生理需求,也可以是柏拉圖式的純潔精神情愛,一切都端視個人當時的心理而定……這樣的愛情觀,相當有趣...Jonathan 顯然樂觀許多,在生命中依舊充滿了許多期待。
有人說「Jonathan Richman looked like Dustin Hoffman and moved like Mick Jagger 」,靦腆和激昂的雙重個性,在他們的音樂中表露無遺。
The Modern Lovers - Someone I Care About>