風笛之歌2-見證香港殖民落幕的〈高地教堂〉(Highland Cathedral)
請先欣賞2006年愛丁堡軍樂節(Edinburgh Tattoo)以及德國大眾城堡風笛鼓號樂隊(Massed & Castle Band)於弗倫斯堡(Flensburg)的蘇格蘭音樂節現場演奏
〈高地教堂〉(Highland Cathedral)是一首廣受歡迎的蘇格蘭高地風笛樂曲,雖然此曲並非源自蘇格蘭,而是由德國人烏利奇羅依佛(Ulrich Roever)和邁可考伯(Michael Korb)於1982年為一於該國舉行的蘇格蘭高原勇士大會(Highland game)而撰寫。在2006年6月蘇格蘭皇家管絃樂團舉辦的國歌網路票選中,〈高地教堂〉也是四首候選歌曲之ㄧ,惜未能雀屏中選。但蘇格蘭境內仍有輿論認為此曲的莊嚴崇隆的旋律,其氣勢更勝《勇者蘇格蘭》(Scotland the Brave)及《蘇格蘭之花》(Flower of Scotland),更有資格成為蘇格蘭正式國歌。此曲目前已有蘇格蘭蓋爾語歌詞及三種英文版歌詞,包括由泰瑞米坎(Terry Mechan)於1998年所填詞的版本。
There is a land far from this distant shore在離岸遠處的土地之上
Where heather grows and Highland eagles soar石楠樹茁壯 高地鷹翱翔
There is a land that will live ever more這土地將永存於我心坎中
Deep in my heart, my Bonnie Scotland在我心中 美麗的蘇格蘭
Though I serve so far away雖吾已從軍遠行
I still see your streams, cities and dreams仍見汝河川 城邑與夢
I can't wait until the day我期盼終有一天
When I'll come home once more得以再回故鄉
And so Lord keep me from the harm of war求主佑我免於戰爭之傷
Through all its dangers and the battle's roar在危難之中 於交鋒之時
Keep me safe until I'm home once more能讓我安然至歸家一刻
Home to my own in Bonnie Scotland我的家鄉 美麗的蘇格蘭
泰瑞米坎(Terry Mechan)填詞
Land of my fathers, we will always be 父輩之地,吾等永遠故土
Faithful and loyal to our own country. 忠實信賴你自己的國家
In times of danger, we will set you free, 危難時刻,我們讓你獲得自由
Lead you to glory and to victory. 帶領你走向光榮和勝利
Hail, Caledonia, to our ancient prayer, 萬歲, 卡勒多尼亞,我們古老的祈禱
in this Highland Cathedral, let our standards bear, 在這個高地大教堂,我們畢恭畢敬
Joining together with one dream to share, 一心同體,一個夢想
God bless the people of this land so fair. 願上帝保佑這平等土地上的人民
Gone is the past, let us start anew, 追憶往昔,繼往開來
Let this hope of peace always remain, 和平的期望永遠存在
Spirit of Scotia, be strong and true, 蘇格蘭的精神,奮發圖強
then your children will smile again. 我們的後代綻開笑顏
Rise Caledonia, let your voices ring 崛起的卡勒多尼亞,雄音震響
in this Highland Cathedral of our God and King, 在這屬於上帝和先王的高地大教堂
Whom, joy and liberty, to all, will bring, 歡樂自由,所有幸福會到來
Come, let your heart, with love and courage, sing. 以滿懷愛和信念的心,唱出來
Lonely the exile o'er distant seas, 即使在遙遠海上孤獨流浪,
the home of their birth, gone from their eyes. 這生命的故鄉,望不到的遠方
Bring back their souls o'er the ocean breeze 海風會帶他們的靈魂歸來
to the land where their fathers lie. 回到他們先祖所在的地方
Rise Caledonia, let your voices ring 崛起的卡勒多尼亞,雄音震響
in this Highland Cathedral of our God and King, 在這屬於上帝和先王的高地大教堂
Whom, joy and liberty, to all, will bring, 歡樂自由,所有幸福會到來
Come, let your heart, with love and courage, sing. 以滿懷愛和信念的心,唱出來 中譯;不詳
卡勒登與蘇格蘭管弦樂團(Caledon And The Scottish Fiddle Orchestra)
Scotland my country and my land of birth
Highlands and Islands to the Solway Firth
Where'er I travel and where'er I roam
Highland Cathedral in my heart, my home
Scots unite all across the world
And let the home fires burn in your eyes
Listen now can you hear the call
For Scotland will rise?
March as one to the pipes and drums
Stand up for the right, fight without fear
Strong and true in adversity
For Scotland will you cheer?
填詞S Paterson-Brown and C Thomson
凱力布朗與蘇格蘭橄欖球會球星(Kelly Brown & Voices of Scottish rugby)演唱