

風笛之歌3-〈麥克里蒙輓歌〉(MacCrimmon’s Lament)

麥克里德(MacLeod)部族世襲風笛手的麥克里蒙(MacCrimmons)家族在詹姆士黨人起義期間創作了這首最有名的風笛曲〈麥克里蒙輓歌〉(MacCrimmon’s Lament)。根據霍普柯克(Hopekirk)指出,這首曲子是由唐納德麥克里蒙(Donald MacCrimmon)所寫,1745年詹姆士黨人最後ㄧ次起義,在1746年的莫伊遭遇戰(Rout of Moy),唐納德麥克里蒙戰敗被捕遭拘禁,他預知死期將至,在死亡前夕譜了這首曲調,死後由他的妹妹填上歌詞。

Doun Coullin's peaks the night is sailin'
The banshee crouns her note o' wailin'
Bit my blue een wi' sorrow are streamin'
For him that will never return – MacCrimmon


No more, no more, no more forever
In war nor in peace shall return MacCrimmon
Till daws the great day o doul an burnin'
MacCrimmon is home no more returnin'

The breeze on the braes is mournfully moanin'
The brook in the hallow is plaintively mournin'
Bit my blue een wi' sorrow are streamin'
For him that will never return – MacCrimmon

Its dirges of woe the sea is sighing,
The boat under sail unmov'd is lying;
The voice of waves in sadness dying
Say, thou art away and ne'er returnest.

We'll see no more MacCrimmon's returning
In peace nor in war is he returning
Till dawns the great day of woe and burning,
For him, there's no more returning.



蘇格蘭高地風笛音樂在蓋爾語中稱為皮布洛克(Pìobaireachd),又可分為大音樂(ceòl mór)與小音樂(ceòl beag)兩種。所謂大音樂就是古典音樂,結構複雜需經常年練習方能吹奏,且樂手都是憑著記憶即興演奏;而小音樂就是ㄧ般所熟悉的舞曲與進行曲形態的風笛樂曲。風笛最初進入高地部族體系時主要應用於部落的軍事行動,每個部落酋長都有自己特定風笛手,而且風笛手的任用採用的是世襲制度。以致今天的蘇格蘭,只有個別幾所藝術學院才會開設風笛演奏的專業與課程。

最著名的麥克里蒙風笛音樂學院就座落在位於蘇格蘭西北部司蓋島(或稱斯開島)的波爾艾格(Borreraig),已有200多年的悠久歷史,為蘇格蘭高地培養了眾多的風笛手,他們創作大量的大音樂(ceòl mór)作品,至今為高地風笛手們演奏著。其他的世襲風笛手諸如司力特(Sleat)半島麥當勞(MacDonalds)部族的麥克阿瑟(Macarthur),格蘭利昂(Glenlyon)坎貝爾(Compbell)部族的麥克葛利格(MacGregor),柯爾(Coll)島、穆爾(Mull)島及杜阿特(Duart)城堡的麥克林(MacLeans)部族的瑞金斯(Rankins)等三個家族也為風笛音樂的傳承有不可磨滅的貢獻。


19世紀的蘇格蘭,風笛比賽成風,造就出許多著名的風笛手。其中對風笛音樂貢獻最大的是艾倫麥克里德(Alan Mcleod),他改良了傳統的風笛,將蘇格蘭音樂成功地推向世界,也因而奠定了蘇格蘭風笛的基礎。直到今天,蘇格蘭還經常進行國際性的萬人風笛比賽。例如,自1967年以來,每年在鄧韋根堡(Dunvegan Castle)舉辦的紀念麥克里蒙風笛音樂大賽(MacCrimmon Memorial Piobaireachd Competition)

〈麥克里蒙輓歌〉(MacCrimmon’s Lament)的歌詞有許多版本,節錄如下:

Roon Cuillin’s peaks the mist is sailin
The banshee croons her note o wailin
My old blue een wi sorrow are streamin
For him that shall never return, MacCrimmon

No more, no more, no more forever
In war and peace shall return MacCrimmon
No more, no more, no more forever
Shall love or gold bring back MacCrimmon

The beast on the brae is mournfully moanin
The brooks in the hollow are plaintively mournin
My old blue een wi sorrow are streamin
For him that shall never return, MacCrimmon

MacLeod's wizard flag from the grey castle sallies
The rowers are unseated, and moored are the galleys
Gleam war axe and broadsword, clang target and quiver
For him that shall never return, MacCrimmon


O'er Coolin's face the night is creeping,
The banshee's wail is round us sweeping;
Blue eyes in Duin are dim with weeping,
Since thou art gone and ne'er returnest.
No more, no more, no more returning;
In peace nor in war is he returning;
Till dawns the great day of doom and burning,
MacCrimmon is home no more returning.

The breeze of the bens is gently blowing;
The brooks in the glens are softly flowing;
Where boughs their darkest shades are throwing,
Birds mourn for thee who ne'er returnest.
No more, no more, no more returning;
In peace nor in war is he returning;
Till dawns the great day of doom and burning,
MacCrimmon is home no more returning.

Its dirges of woe the sea is sighing,
The boat under sail unmov'd is lying;
The voice of waves in sadness dying
Say, thou art away and ne'er returnest.
No more, no more, no more returning;
In peace nor in war is he returning;
Till dawns the great day of doom and burning,
MacCrimmon is home no more returning.

We'll see no more MacCrimmon's returning
In peace nor in war is he returning
Till dawns the great day of woe and burning,
For him, there's no more returning.


Round Coolin's peak the mist is sailing,
The banshee croons her note of wailing,

Mild blue eyne with sorrow are streaming
For him that shall never return, MacCrimmon!
The breeze on the brae is mournfully blowing!
The brook in the hollow is plaintively flowing,
The warblers, the soul of the groves, are moaning,
For MacCrimmon that's gone, with no hope of returning!

The tearful clouds the stars are veiling,

The sails are spread, but the boat is not sailing,
The waves of the sea are moaning and mourning
For MacCrimmon that's gone to find no returning!

No more on the hill at the festal meeting
The pipe shall sound with echo repeating,
And lads and lasses change mirth to mourning
For him that is gone to know no returning!

No more, no more, no more for ever,
In war or peace, shall return MacCrimmon;
No more, no more, no more for ever
Shall love or gold bring back MacCrimmon!



蘇格蘭風笛簡介請參閱 Chris Lee 蘇格蘭風笛教室

風笛- 台灣Wiki

〈卡洛登高地的收割〉(Culloden's Harvest)

 羅伯彭斯(Robert Burns)的反戰歌詩〈以詹姆士黨人之名〉(Ye Jacobites By Name)



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