
Martin Lass plays gypsy violin

先從跨界的Martin Lass聽起,在撥奏(Pizzicato),快板炫技中慢慢進入吉普賽小提琴的夢幻世界

Violin Showman & Composer, MARTIN LASS, has broken the mold of the usual traditional violinist. His classical beginnings - which included playing as principal and soloist with orchestras such as the Sydney Symphony and Australian Chamber Orchestra - led to the creation of a solo career that spans all kinds of music. He presents modern interpretations of such greats as Beethoven and Vivaldi alongside the jazz of Brubeck and Ellington, the Gypsy music of Eastern Europe, the world's great Love Songs, Broadway Showtunes, and his own Original Compositions - even adding the odd Bluegrass fiddle tune to produce a cavalcade of listening pleasure.
An energetic showman, he plays the fiddle as if it were both an athletic feat and an artistic creation. Martin believes that the violin - being the closest instrument to the human voice - is capable of expressing the full range of emotions through all styles of music. He also feels that audiences want to be entertained, captivated, transported, enthralled and wooed on the wings of music - and that he is the man to do it!
Born in
Chicago, USA, Martin's interest in the violin began at the age of 8, when he saw world famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin on television. Menuhin became Martin's earliest idol. Furthermore, Martin's father instilled in him an appreciation of all styles of music from classical to jazz to country to pop, with Martin's mother's reputed gypsy background adding to the spice of his musical upbringing. Martin's family moved to Australia when he was eleven, and by his early twenties he was already an accomplished classical musician.
During this time, responding to a brazen dare (the exact details of which will never be released!), Martin appeared on a nationally televised talent show -
Australia's equivalent to Starsearch. He was like a 19th century romantic figure, with flowing hair, frock coat and rapier flourishes of the bow. He blitzed all opposition, winning everything and receiving standing ovations from the judges! Television hosts fell over themselves to invite him on their
The result? From second fiddle in an orchestra, Martin quickly became one of
Australia's most sought after popular entertainers. Clever television commercials immediately attracted attention and built audiences, blazing fresh trails with the violin. Martin appeared on every major Australian TV show - making over 200 television appearances. He released 10 CD recordings - including a Gold Record, and an Australian Grammy nomination - , toured Australia with his band and performed alongside many distinguished international names in concert.


試聽Martin Lass  Send in the Clowns

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