La cumparsa de miserias sin fin desfila en torno de aquel ser enfermo que pronto ha de morir de pena.
Por eso es que en su lecho solloza acongojado recordando el pasado que lo hace padecer.
The masked parade 假面遊行 of endless miseries 無盡傷心 promenades舞會氣氛 around that sick being 籠罩愁人 that soon will die 死期將臨 of sorrow. 悲傷衍生
That's why 因此造成 in its bed 臥床孤零 cries mournfully 哭泣悲痛 remembering the past 回憶翻騰 that makes it suffer. 默默相承
安立奎馬龍尼 (Enrique Maroni)與裴寇爾康特西(Pascual Contursi)填詞之「化妝舞會」又名「如果你知道」Si Supieras(If you knew),仍承繼著原曲憂鬱悲情的意境。以下為此版本西譯英及英譯中的歌詞:
Si supieras, que aun dentro de mi alma, conservo aquel cariño que tuve para ti... Quien sabe si supieras que nunca te he olvidado, volviendo a tu pasado te acordaras de mi...
Los amigos ya no vienen ni siquiera a visitarme, nadie quiere consolarme en mi aflicción... Desde el dia que te fuiste siento angustias en mi pecho, deci, percanta, que has hecho de mi pobre corazon?
Sin embargo, yo siempre te recuerdo con el cariño santo que tuve para ti. Y estas en todas partes pedazo de mi vida, y aquellos ojos que fueron mi alegria los busco por todas partes y no los puedo hallar.
Al cotorro abandonado ya ni el sol de la mañana asoma por la ventana como cuando estabas vos, y aquel perrito compañero que por tu ausencia no comia, al verme solo el otro dia tambien me dejo.
If you knew, that still within my soul, I keep the love I had for you... Who knows, if you knew that I never forgot you, returning to your past, you would remember me...
The friends do not come not even to visit me, nobody wants to console me. in my affliction... Since the day you left I feel anguish in my chest, tell me, woman, what have you done with my poor heart?
Nevertheless, I always remember you with the holy love that I had for you. And you are everywhere, piece of my life, and those eyes that were my happiness I search for them everywhere and I can't find them.
To the abandoned bedroom now not even the morning sun shows thru the window the way as when you were there, and that little dog [our] partner that because of your absence would not eat on seeing me alone the other day also left me.
If you knew, that still within my soul,
I keep the love I had for you... Who knows, if you knew that I never forgot you, returning to your past, you would remember me...
The friends do not come not even to visit me, nobody wants to console me. in my affliction... Since the day you left I feel anguish in my chest, tell me, woman, what have you done with my poor heart?
Nevertheless, I always remember you with the holy love that I had for you. And you are everywhere, piece of my life, and those eyes that were my happiness
I search for them everywhere and I can't find them.
To the abandoned bedroom now not even the morning sun shows thru the window the way as when you were there, and that little dog [our] partner that because of your absence would not eat on seeing me alone the other day also left me.